St Edmund Hall: A College Like No Other

13 Nov 2017

St Edmund Hall book - a college like no other

We are pleased to announce that in late 2018 Teddy Hall will be publishing a beautifully illustrated book which will stand as a portrait of St Edmund Hall and a lively celebration of its past and present.

We will produce a rich overview of Hall life – the intriguing history of a medieval Hall and its transformation into a distinguished college within the University of Oxford. It will record the stories of place, people, communities and events. The book will be a shared project where the writings of many Hall personalities come together to illustrate the diverse aspects of college life, both academic and social, through all periods of the Hall’s existence.

The book will be split in to the following chapters:

  • Origins and Development of the Medieval Hall
  • The 20th Century Transitions
  • Buildings, Places and Things: Eclectic Accretions
  • Student Life
  • Academic Development: People and Disciplines
  • Aularian Recollections: Stories from the Hall

We welcome your individual contributions in addition to our overviews of academic life and the development of the various academic subjects, the buildings and the non-academic side of student life – clubs, sports, arts, drama and music.

This will be the first such celebration of life at the Hall and a treasure for Aularians and friends. We are rightly proud of the Hall’s claim to a special, distinctive and distinguished place in Oxford. We look forward to capturing that distinctive ethos – often termed ‘Hall Spirit’ – in the book and I hope you will support this venture with contributions and subscriptions.

Pre-order your book before the 24 August 2018 and you will have your name listed in the book and receive a copy for the specially discounted price of £35 + P&P.

How to contribute

Articles and overviews on key aspects of the Hall will be provided by Aularians and Fellows with knowledge and expertise in the specific topic. However, we are asking that all Aularians submit pictures, reminiscences, anecdotes, and memorabilia to complete our story of the Hall. We will aim to include many of these in the book, but since space is limited we cannot guarantee the inclusion of every contribution. However, all will be acknowledged and safely lodged for posterity in the Hall’s archives.

Contributions should be sent to: or by post to Sally Brooks, Development and Alumni Office, St Edmund Hall, Queen’s Lane, Oxford, OX1 4AR.

The closing date for contributions is Friday 16 February 2018.

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