Dr Debrah Noe
College Lecturer in Finance
Debrah Noe is a Stipendiary Lecturer in Finance and member of the congregation at the University of Oxford. She acts as Finance tutor to our undergraduates and has previously also tutored at the Saïd Business School (Oxford), and was an Assistant Professor at Georgia State University, and the first female faculty member in her field. She also taught real estate finance and investments at The Ohio State University.
She has academic training and practical experience in portfolio management, investments, real estate development, and real property management and is an experienced speaker who enjoys creating engaging presentations at professional conferences.
Dr Noe received a PhD in Business Administration and a BS in Business Administration studying both Real Estate Finance and Finance at The Ohio State University.
Courses Taught:
- Investments
- Options, Futures and Forward Contracts
- Corporate Finance
- Mortgage Markets
- Real Estate Finance
- Real Estate Investments
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