Professor Rebecca Nicholls
Associate Professor in Materials Modelling
Rebecca is an EPSRC Fellow based in the Department of Materials. Her research is focused on understanding and improving the properties of functional materials.
She uses advanced electron microscopy and quantum mechanical simulations to predict and study the structure and chemistry of materials at the nanoscale. This information is then used to understand the macroscopic properties of these materials, leading to improvements in existing systems and the design of new materials. Her current research interests include interpreting phonon spectroscopy within an electron microscope, different methods used to simulate experimental electron microscopy data and understanding the catalyst particles used in fuel cells.
Rebecca’s work is done in collaboration with several research groups in Oxford, as well as researchers in Cambridge, Birmingham, RMIT (Australia), SuperSTEM and Johnson Matthey.
Where next?
Professor Rebecca Nicholls
MSci Camb, DPhil Oxf
- Associate Professor in Materials Modelling
- College Lecturer in Materials Science
- EPSRC Fellow in Materials for Energy Applications