Hall places second in The Great Oxbridge BOGOF

27 Jun 2023

BOGOFF Leaderboard
BOGOF Campaign Leaderboard

Teddy Hall undergraduates and staff recently took part in The Great Oxbridge BOGOF Campaign (Buy One, Give One Free) between Oxford and Cambridge colleges by donating 484 items to the Oxford Food Hub which places the Hall second in the overall rankings.

Brodie Weymouth (2021, Geography), JCR President 22-23 says:

“Thanks for the hard work from the JCR and staff to donate so many much-needed items to the Oxford Food Hub. Despite it being the peak of exam season, our Hall Spirit still managed to prevail to help those in need. Thanks also to Sophia, our Charities Officer who helped coordinate the growing pile of goods outside the Wolfson Hall.”

For the last few weeks of Trinity term, undergraduates or Junior Common Room members (JCR) have provided non-perishable goods and toiletries from around the Oxford community to give to local food banks and shelters. In addition, the Hall’s JCR committee have made a money donation to the Oxford Food Hub. A huge thank you to all Hall members who participated in the campaign.

BOG OFF items being loaded into van

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