Dan Eltringham
Dr Dan Eltringham (2005, English) graduated with a First and took a Masters Degree in Modern and Contemporary Literature at Birkbeck College, University of London. He then completed his PhD thesis at Birkbeck, and now teaches at the University of Sheffield.
Dan edits Sheffield’s creative writing journal Route 57. He has published articles on William Wordsworth and Peter Riley in Textual Practice and on William Wordsworth and J. H. Prynne in Green Letters: studies in ecocriticism.
Cairn Almanac (2017) a book of poems about time and (climate) change, was published by Hesterglock Press in 2017. His poetry has appeared in Cumulus, Plumwood Mountain, Colorado Review, Zarf, Datableed, The Clearing, Intercapillary Space, Alba Londres, Blackbox Manifold, The Goose and others. He has also published two chapbooks, Mystics (2014) and Ithaca (2014). His sequence, R/S Res., comprised part of the installation Searching for Jossie, a collaborative artwork made with artist David Walker Barker and exhibited at In the Open (SIA, 2017).
Between 2009-2015 he was co-editor of The Literateur and he now co-edits Girasol Press and co-runs Electric Arc Furnace, a poetry readings series in Sheffield.