Professor Heidi Johansen-Berg

Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Senior Research Fellow

Professor Heidi Johansen-Berg is Director of the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging (WIN) in the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences.

WIN is a multi-disciplinary neuroimaging research facility. WIN aims to bridge the gap between laboratory neuroscience and human health, by performing multi-scale studies spanning from animal models through to human populations. Within WIN, Heidi heads the Plasticity research group. Her group is interested in how the brain changes with learning and recovery from damage, such as stroke. Her group use cutting edge brain scanning techniques to monitor brain change and develop new technologies to enhance rehabilitation effects following stroke.

Heidi gave a talk about her research (aimed at a non-specialist audience) at the St Edmund Hall Research Expo, entitled ‘Watching the brain change’.

In it she discusses how the brain changes when we learn, get older, or recover from damage such as stroke. Heidi’s research uses brain imaging techniques such as MRI to assess changes in brain activity or brain structure. She then tries to use this information to design new interventions to improve healthy ageing or boost recovery from stroke.

Launch Video

Heidi Johansen-Berg giving a talk at the St Edmund Hall Research Expo, in the College's Old Library

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Heidi Johansen-Berg elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences

7 Jun 2021

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