Ysaline Rossi
College Lecturer in French
Ysaline Rossi is a college Lecturer in French at St Edmund Hall.
After a year of International Biology, I switched careers and completed a bachelor degree in English and Spanish Literature, Linguistics and Civilization at Université Grenoble Alpes (France). I am now completing my master degree in English Literature, Linguistics and Civilization at Université Grenoble Alpes.
I am currently working on Conan Doyle’s detective Sherlock Holmes. I am focusing on the topics of detectivity, geography of the mind as well as the use of a medical and abductive approach (evidence-based).
I am currently working as a French Lectrice at both Trinity College and St Edmund Hall at Oxford University.
“Make Macbeth Great Again?”, Macbeth, d’après William Shakespeare, adaptation & mise en scène d’Aurélie Derbier, Compagnie du Contre poinG, Théâtre Prémol, Grenoble for Les Cahiers de Shakespeare en Devenir at Université de Poitiers.
Where next?

Ysaline Rossi
- College Lecturer in French