Make a gift or give your time

How to make a gift

If you would like to discuss giving to the Hall, or writing the Hall into your will, please contact the Development Office on 01865 279087 or email

Regular gifts can be made by Direct Debit

If you would prefer to make a one-off gift this can be done

  • Securely online
  • By sending a giving form along with a cheque made payable to “St Edmund Hall” posted to DARO, St Edmund Hall, Queen’s Lane, Oxford, OX1 4AR.
  • By Bank Transfer to the following account:
    SORT CODE: 60-70-03
    ACCOUNT NO: 84321679
    IBAN: GB93 NWBK 6070 0384 3216 79

If you are a UK tax-payer your gift may be eligible for Gift Aid. This adds a further 25% to the value of your gift and will not cost you any extra.

For your gift to qualify please complete the Gift Aid declaration at the point of donation. If you are paying by cheque or BACS, the giving form (including gift aid declaration) can be downloaded here or requested from the Development Office.

Furthermore, if you pay tax above the basic rate, you can claim the difference between the rate you pay and basic rate on your donation. This is done through your tax return or by amending your tax code.

For example, for every £1,000 you donate the Hall then receives Gift Aid of £250.

If you pay 40% tax you can claim back £250 (20% of £1,250).

Thus the gift value of £1,250 has ‘cost’ you £750.

Donors who complete a Self-Assessment tax return will have the option to gift back the higher rate element of the tax relief to St Edmund Hall.

St Edmund Hall is a Registered Charity, No. 1137470.

For more information on tax-efficient giving outside the UK please visit the University website.

Major gifts have enabled the Hall to progress its most significant initiatives, with recent gifts being used to endow fellowships, renovate the Old Library and fund our living green wall.

To discuss the Hall’s projects and how these may support your philanthropic objectives please contact the Development Office on +44(0)1865 279087 or

“We really appreciated our time at Teddy Hall and wanted to say thank you by helping current students. We established the Peel Prizes to recognise and encourage academic merit in the subjects we studied – Fine Art and Maths & Philosophy. Our funding has enabled us to stay connected to the Hall and provide direct support to the student body in areas that we feel are important. Through the Hall we have regular updates on the impact of our funding as well as regular opportunities to meet the prize winners.”

Eva and Tom Peel (Fine Art/Maths & Philosophy) and founders of the Peel Prizes

Growing the Hall’s endowment is essential if we are to have the financial security necessary to deliver world class teaching and research, both over the short and long-term.

Each year the Hall draws down from the endowment to meet annual costs. Our financial plan aims for this annual draw-down to be 3.5%.

Funds in the endowment are carefully invested. The Hall’s Investment Sub-Committee advise on investment strategy, with the majority funds being placed with Oxford University Endowment Management.

Investment returns are placed back on endowment. The aim is for investment returns to exceed the 3.5% draw-down so the principle sum grows to keep track with inflationary increases.

When donations are made to endow a specific activity (e.g. to endow a Tutorial Fellowship) the gift, and the investment return it generates, are kept in a restricted fund earmarked for the purpose on which the donation was made. This ensures gifts to the endowment work in perpetuity.

Legacy gifts make a significant impact on life at the Hall. Gifts are always treated respectfully and used in a way that the Governing Body believe reflect Aularians’ commitment and passion for the Hall. Gifts are typically used to directly support students, enhance College life and maintain ‘Hall Spirit’, support the teaching and tutorial system and to maintain the fabric of the Hall.

To discuss how your legacy can support the future of the Hall please contact the Development Office on +44(0)1865 279087 or

“My time at Oxford went by in a blur of sweaty bops and essay crises so it’s perhaps only in retrospect that I can appreciate what a privilege it was to have been an undergraduate at Teddy Hall. I’d love to be able to help ensure that future generations of students have access to the same wonderful opportunities.

I’m a novelist and as anyone in the creative industries knows, it can be hard to predict your income from year to year. Sometimes you’re more in need of a charitable donation than able to give one! Planned giving is a great way to honour your commitment to the Hall. It would be lovely to see some new faces at the Floreat Aula dinners!”

Chris Manby (Experimental Psychology) and member of the Floreat Aula Legacy Society

Together with the St Edmund Hall Association the Hall already has a number of volunteer Ambassadors who organise events around the world.

There are opportunities to:

  • Strengthen the alumni community through events, by speaking at a Teddy Talk or hosting regional drinks in your area
  • Support current students in their career planning, with Aularians speaking directly to students and offering  bespoke advice, such as mock-interview practice
  • Become a Digital Ambassador, sharing your Hall experiences online

For more information on these opportunities please contact contact the Development Office on +44(0)1865 279087 or

“Oxford was a turning point in my life and Teddy Hall was the place within Oxford that gave me the nurturing environment I needed to thrive and the friends I have now.”

Olly Donnelly (Geography), committee member of the St Edmund Hall Association