Dr Linda Yueh CBE
Fellow by Special Election in Economics
Dr Yueh’s research focuses on economic development and growth, with an emphasis on the changing structure of the global economy.
She has written/edited 11 books including a textbook, Macroeconomics, and is the Series Editor for the Routledge Series on Economic Growth and Development books. She has published widely in leading journals and served as guest editor of World Development and the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.
Dr Yueh was an Adviser to the UK Board of Trade from 2020-2023. From 2021-2022, she was appointed by HM Treasury as a member of the Independent Review Panel on Ring-fencing and Proprietary Trading.
She has taught microeconomics and macroeconomics at various levels as well as options papers. She has supervised postgraduate students conducting research in the areas of economics and law.
Watch a short video of a ‘Teddy Talk’ that Linda gave at the College’s Research Expo, entitled ‘Ending Poverty?’
The UN has a Sustainable Development Goal to eradicate extreme poverty, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day, by 2030. Since 1990, 1 billion people have been lifted out of poverty. In this talk, Linda argues that economic growth alone is insufficient to end poverty and discusses how economic theory may be able to help us solve the problem, particularly in Africa, to achieve the UN’s target.
Where next?
Dr Linda Yueh CBE
BA Yale; MPP Harvard; JD New York; MA, DPhil, CBE
- Fellow by Special Election in Economics
- Research Lecturer in Economics
- Governing Body Fellow