Sunday Live: Weekly Hall Music and Chapel Performance

4 Dec 2020

Sunday live from the St Edmund Hall Old Dining Hall

This Michaelmas Term, St Edmund Hall launched Sunday Live, an online and in-person event of musical performance and Chapel service each week at 6pm. This event gave students, fellows, alumni and staff the wonderful opportunity to continue to engage with music and Chapel at the Hall.

Led by the Music Director Dr James Whitbourn and the Chaplain, the Revd Dr Zachary Guiliano, this event featured a music recital given by a Hall student or external guest, music from the St Edmund Hall Chapel Choir and a guest speaker at each service. It was also Revd Dr Guiliano’s first services as the new Chaplain at the Hall.

Musical performances ranged from vocalists, pianists, guitarists and violinists and we heard from several speakers on this term’s theme of ‘Making a Difference’ at each Chapel service.

You can find out more about music and the Chapel on our website.

During the term, the Hall interviewed several students and guest artist, Melissa Guiliano, who took part in the event. You can read their interview below.

  • Interview with Hall student Raven Undersun, (2018, Experimental Psychology)
  • Interview with Hall student Gavin Bala (2019, Mathematics)
  • Interview with Guest Artist, Melissa Guiliano, American Soprano

We thank all the Aularians, Fellows, staff and friends who tuned in each week to support this event.

Sunday Live from the St Edmund Hall Chapel

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